First I want to say that I am very proud of Jesse for making his first post.
Well he finally turned 30.

It was hard keeping his mom a secret. I told him I needed to run out in the morning and pick up one of his presents. I surprised him with his mom coming in on his birthday. The 3 of us went to the beach for a few hours and had a beer at one of the bars.

We then went home to freshen up and meet everyone for dinner at Bobby Rubinos. Wendi, Chris, Julio, Lisa and Zak showed to celebrate the event. Dinner was good but the blues bar was even better. We ended up at the
Backroom Blues Bar in Boca Raton. We ended our day with cold beer and

listening to a live blues band.
Jesse.. I'm sorry.
I'm a jerk.. but I'm also paying 2$ per half hour so this is sort of like a birthday card.
I love you
Happy 30th
The day that you remember my birthday I will worry. Maybe next year, eh? Hope you're having fun, look out for Bush's road map to "peace".
that was cool. great surprise! i bet the best part of his present was chewing out mom for not buying a house yet. god we love that stuff.
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