Las Conchas

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Going down the Peace River..

There was lots of drinking and fun on the Peace River this year. Everyone showed up on time and we had everything hauled for us again which turned out nice. We had 6 canoes in all. We hooked together as one for a while so everyone could get a break. As you can see Jesse took full advantage of his break.. lol It looked a lot nicer than the last time we went. The trees have had time to improve since there have not been any hurricanes in a few years. We sobered up after we got there and had to set up camp.
This year we didn't have to get out of the boat once to drag our canoes across the shallow water. It was plenty high with a few low spots but nothing we couldn't glide across. This morning was a little easier as it only took us 2 hours instead of 6 the day before.I am hoping that Joaquin and Karen will join us next year.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Lazy weekends..

We haven't been doing too much lately. Last weekend we hung out with friends. This past weekend we checked out the new IKEA store by the Sawgrass Mills Mall. Very cool store! It took us a few hours to get through it but we ended up getting some things. This place was huge and had it's own restaurant.
We watched a few good movies of which I recommend. Copying Beethovan and The Persuit of Happiness.
We also had some lunch at the beach yesterday. It was a beautiful day!! Well I'm off on business in Connecticut. Be home in a few days. Since I can't get a hold of Pam... HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!