It's pretty sad when they don't allow dogs on the beach. So we break the rules.. Capone had a blast Thursday and Friday night. His favorite thing was digging in the sand while Jesse's favorite thing is laying on the blanket. As you can see he ate most of the sand.

It's that time of year again.. The turtles are coming ashore and laying eggs. Last year I signed us up for the release of the baby turtles back into the water. This was really cool but I was also traumatized by the whole event. It was dark out and very hard to see the little guys moving away from us. Then I look in front of me and the volunteers who are suppose to be helping the turtles actually stepped on 2 of them. I start screaming of course that she is stepping on it. I realize that it's an accident but it does not help the trauma. So I am thinking that this year we will sign up for the turtle watch. This is where we set out at night and watch the adult turtle lay her eggs then rope off the section so that people know not to step on the nest. I will try to schedule it for Joaquin and Karen's visit.
Did the cat die?
Jesse you've always hated cats... I don't understand why you would have to share this hatred with the world. Poor little.. "what ever its name is" not a single picture on the blog.
I doubt it, it's just that cats are "boring", they generally impart very little interest or emotion into any situation. Here is a link to a picture of a cat in case you really need one.
Also, Jesse hasn't even posted yet, so all this feline angst is apparently from Yvonne, the real cat hater of the house. Hi-Yo!!!
oops. too long. I forgot to "tiny" it. http://tinyurl.com/vp48c
Yeah the squeeky wheel gets oiled so the dog gets special treatment. Jazzy lays around all day and does nothing exciting. She is still loved and part of the family. She just doesn't get to go to the beach and then out to dinner with us..
I can't help it the dog stole my heart.. lolol
This is Jesse. Hello. OK, lets take a look at this feline situation. Where is your cat Rinah? Have you seen it this week/month/year? Hmmm? And one day we will write down our acts of cruelty toward the cat, and put yours next to mine and see who wins? Would you like to do that? WOULD YOU!
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