Ok before I begin I have to tell everyone to keep in mind one thing. Every woman you see dressed up wearing heavy makeup is a man. So with that in mind I will give you the story.

I have a group of friends that I get together with as much as we can.

It was always Pedro, Rey, David, Joselyn, Michelle and myself and our other halves for the last 7 years or so.
Last night we decided to have dinner at

This is a place for drag dining. I missed out on the last adventure and this was everyone's first time at this place. We were celebrating the December birthdays. It was Michelle, David and Pedro's birthday. The food was great and the entertainment was hilarious.

This was Jesse's first time in a gay dining restaurant as a patron. I am happy to say he had a great time. I am posting the picture of him and our waitress (waiter).

I would definitely go back there. We did get lucky and happened to get a little less attention than the rest of the tables.

Trust me you don't want them ripping on you... I will post as many pictures as I can of all the entertainment.

This looks like so much fun!!
Sky and I did something similar in Thailand, but we DID get attention.. .. I'll tell you about it one day.
Anyway, if you're serious about going to India, keep me posted on your plans, cuz that is one of our prospects for our next big trip.
Keep in touch
I would love to hear the story.. I don't have too much time off of work but I could go. I still have to go to the Philippines before Joaquin leaves. Let me know what you guys come up with. When is your next big trip? 2 years maybe?
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