Well Jesse is home and hopefully we won't travel apart again for a long while. His trip was fun and I have pictures of Jesse and Shayna. Also pictures of Grandma and the gang. I have not met Sam and his girlfriend yet but I am sure I will next year.

Grandma was very disappointed that I did not make the trip but, I promised her that I would be there next year. She wants it in writing so I have to write that letter soon...
Jesse had some adventures with Bocchi (grandma's dog) while he was there. Not sure if I spelled his name correctly. Hopefully I spelled every one's name correctly.

har, har!! you are wearing your yellow albuquerque shirt in every picture!
On a lighter note, Sam's head is cut off from view by another picture.... Thank you for the mercy.
I was having a little trouble with blogger. Sorry but you can see Sam's face now.. LOL
Jesse stıll ısn't wrıtıng blogs storıes?
What a guy
Glad to see G'ma gettıng out and about.
I thınk dad ıs next on her lıst of vısıtors
I'm still working on him. I thought for sure I could get him to write about California. One of these days..
People should read this.
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