I don't know what it is but vacation goes by way too fast. Day 1 we left early on Saturday morning, stopping to see Savannah Georgia. It was a beautiful city with lots of little squares and old buildings and the cemetery looked more like a park. We arrived in Canton (near Asheville) around 6:45 pm at Wanda's house, who was nice enough to invite us up for the holidays.
Day 2 we drove to Grandfather Mountain with my dad to do some hiking and walk across the swinging bridge.
Day 3 was our day in downtown Asheville. First stop was the Arts District where the local artists create and sell their goods. In the city we walked several blocks. We ate lunch and drank beer.
Day 4 we drove over the Smoky Mountains and did some hiking on the Tennessee side.
Day 5 my mom , Ricky, Jesse and myself walked through Gatlinburg and had lunch. We took the ski lift to the top of the mountain to take in all the wonderful views.
Day 6 was Thanksgiving so lots of eating and being lazy along with a serious game of Monopoly. Wanda fixed a great Thanksgiving feast. Katie, her boyfriend and a few friends were there as well.
Day 7 was the long drive home....