Well we had ourselves a little road trip.

Starting from
Albuquerque and driving through
Santa Rosa. In
Santa Rosa there was a natural spring called Blue Hole. It wasn't that big but just as nice. On the road again and heading for Ft Sumner to see Billy the Kid's grave.

His two friends were buried next him. I can't remember what their names were.

After taking a few pictures and seeing the museum we made our way to

Jesse made me stop and take pictures of him walking down a deserted highway. I guess he was trying to be the star of highway to heaven.
Roswell was ok... I guess I was expecting something different from the various museums and stores filled with alien T shirts and trinkets. We stayed long enough for a bathroom break and coffee. We then made our way to
Carlsbad Caverns and the next morning went 70 something floors deep into the earth.

That was so cool... It was cold in the dark caves. What a beautiful

sight!! We did a tour, then walked the self tour which took an hour and a half.

We scouted around the area and checked out the nature before heading home to
Albuquerque. We rushed to get ready for the Majic Mystery tour at the college. The concert was great and they sounded just like the Beatles.
The next morning we took a drive down the Turquoise trail and stopped at our favorite mining town on the way.
The shops were filled with local artists.
We made our way through all of the shops before stopping for coffee. Finally that night we went to old town before flying out the next day.